However, if the order is awarded in special circumstances, the ribbon of the Officer and Knight classes show the following variations:
Both parchment and ribbon showed signs of water spots and dust.
Sergeant Ezra always did look like a soldier, once he had legs, and his ribbons showed it, too.
A shiny ribbon of moisture showed where she had tried to wipe it away.
At the present time, a red ribbon in the wall shows where the Roman wall ends and the restored wall begins.
The ribbon shows awareness of Racial Tolerance, or Cultural Diversity.
The object is to please members who do the leaders' bidding and who like to cut ribbons to show that they've done something in Albany.
The object is to please lawmakers who do the leaders' bidding and who like to cut ribbons to show that they have achieved something in Albany.
At the top only a ribbon of sky showed in.
Sometimes ribbons or small prizes are sent to the show entrants along with the returned photographs and show results.