He balled his fists, his body settling into a fast rhythmic pace.
Within seconds he settled into a brisk and rhythmic pace, hands pumping up and down, the endurance of the onetime marathoner apparent.
In the classic Watusi, the dancer is almost stationary with knees slightly bent, although may move forward and back by one or two small rhythmic paces.
Aerobic exercises use large muscle groups to move at a steady, rhythmic pace.
The dogs moved at their rhythmic pace, ice whirling beneath their paws.
All dance at a sliding rhythmic pace (a series of 3 small steps).
Morgon and Raederle eased their horses into the slow, rhythmic pace that would wear the monotonous, six-weeks journey to its ending.
There was again that same mechanical, rhythmic pace that was not human.
A body of soldiers in sports kit marched past at a slow, rhythmic pace, singing loudly.
The Seahawks are the N.F.L.'s highest-scoring team, and a key to their success is the rhythmic pace of their offense.