They held it for a moment without moving, then began a slow, steady, rhythmic motion.
At night, lying in bed, she could even feel the rhythmic motion of her intestines.
When disturbed, they move their bodies up and down in a fast rhythmic motion, with individuals moving away from the disturbance.
It was an easy, rhythmic motion, like a dance step.
In bar 37 the orchestra then takes over the rhythmic motion with a steady 6/8 pulse.
Jake stroked the baby's back in a slow, rhythmic motion.
She slowly began to sway back and forth in a smooth, rhythmic motion.
Among the pleasures of swings is the soothing, rhythmic motion.
It was an easy, rhythmic motion, like a dance step, that we all learned quickly.
"The ground was shaking three times per second in a nice rhythmic motion."