Trent was breathing, no doubt about that, his chest rising and falling in a slow, rhythmic fashion.
Pieces of cord are first knotted or cut into two-inch lengths, then glued to each other in a rhythmic fashion.
For a few minutes, it behaved in rhythmic fashion; then it began to skip.
He heard brick being cut in rhythmic fashion, cut by a saw.
Therapist usually work simultaneously in a rhythmic fashion providing a great relaxing stimuli on the nervous system.
The motor was idling in rhythmic fashion.
They played in a rhythmic fashion that seemed to imitate the beating of her heart.
During this time, they shuffle their feet to the beat of the music and bob their shoulders in a rhythmic fashion.
The ocean was surging to and fro in a rhythmic fashion analogous to the movement of a violin bow.
Dramyins may also be played to keep time, in a rhythmic fashion.