Much else failed for want of rhythmic definition, sophistication in phrasing or loudness that was more than vulgarity.
Her quasi-legato style gave an unpleasing impression of slurred, even careless rhythmic definition.
Some movements seem to get more impassioned as they go on, without any sacrifice to tonal brilliance or rhythmic definition.
Some of the passagework was blurry and lacked rhythmic definition.
More rhythmic definition would also have benefited the Stravinsky.
But here too the performance lacked rhythmic definition and cohesion.
Strong rhythmic definition, clarity of orchestral texture and firmly controlled impetus give the Tchaikovsky a definite boost.
The orchestra's rhythmic definition pointed up how often in this work the instruments echo the stress and meter of the words.
The rich orchestration, while often sumptuous, lacks the rhythmic definition and bite of the original accompaniment for piano.
Ms. Nonken played it with a relaxed, almost rubber-wristed calm, caressing the keys without losing rhythmic definition.