His rhetorical attacks on illiteracy will live forever as classic contributions to the cause of Education in Mississippi.
In addition to the military offensives, Reagan directed an unremitting stream of rhetorical attacks at the Kremlin.
For some of Mr. Paulin's defenders, remarks like that prove that his rhetorical attacks on Israel are not anti-Semitic.
Therefore, focus the general rhetorical attack on the "Washington bureaucracy."
The Mayor continued his rhetorical attack on February 9, saying that the "sympathetic strike was called in the exact manner as was the revolution in Petrograd."
In the second half of 1966 and throughout 1967, rhetorical attacks on American policy in Vietnam, which he had been making since 1963, intensified.
The treatise is a rhetorical attack on pre-Hippocratic medicine as it was apparently practiced by many of the author's contemporaries.
Entertainment executives reacted angrily to Mr. Clinton's latest rhetorical attack, accusing him of using them as scapegoats for a deeper societal problem.
Step Up and Cuomo-Bash One purpose of political conventions is to provide a forum for rhetorical attacks on the opposition.
Although the ambassadors eventually returned after the controversy died down, Lukashenko stepped up his rhetorical attacks against the West.