American rap, and the rhetoric surrounding it, turned out not to be as the French had expected.
The rhetoric surrounding the crime bill seems to envision one class of criminal, those strangers who come out of nowhere and rob, rape, kill, cut and run.
Although the rhetoric surrounding lynchings included justifications about protecting white women, the actions basically erupted out attempts to maintain domination in a rapidly changing society and fears of social change.
In this week's Comment, Hendrik Hertzberg writes about the rhetoric surrounding the Arizona shooting.
Forget the meant-to-be-comforting rhetoric surrounding Mr. Gonzales's confirmation hearings.
But the rhetoric surrounding the push to pop the bubble is often larger than the regressive nature that its opponents attribute to it.
Mr. Ferraro urged the news media to help "defuse the rhetoric" surrounding the controversy.
Those Republicans, ranging from conservative to moderate, have helped tone down the rhetoric surrounding the Justice Department's raid on the Miami house of Elian's great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez.
It would be downright mundane if the legislation weren't so draconian and the rhetoric surrounding it weren't so transparently pandering.
The report seeks to dress itself up in rhetoric surrounding the defence of consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).