This use of the spoils system allowed Presidents to reward political supporters with jobs.
Zen-Ruffinen's report accused Blatter of using those programs to reward political supporters.
The system provided government subsidies for inefficient companies and gave politicians a way to reward supporters.
But lawmakers cherished them as a tool of political power used to reward supporters and gain favor with constituents.
Both of the main coalition parties, in a major reshuffling when they took power, have used the bureaucracy to reward supporters.
The Pope, too, needed to reward his clerks and supporters.
President Zorin wanted to distribute vital food supplies to reward political supporters rather than based on need.
Opposition leaders have not pushed for local elections, perhaps because they want to be able to reward supporters if they achieve power.
Jackson not only rewarded past supporters; he promised future jobs if local and state politicians joined his team.
All retain an iron grip on the industries under their control, at once using patronage to reward supporters and enrich favorites.