The Cyber Cristal rewards creativity in online campaigns.
And, of course, there is no guarantee that the market will reward creativity.
But copyright should be there ... to reward creativity, not scholarship or diligence.
The award aims to reward creativity in identifying, preventing and combating human trafficking.
The Rose d'Or rewards originality, quality and creativity and sets the standard in entertainment television with these prestigious awards.
This award is not intended to reward creativity.
The market rarely rewards off-the-charts creativity that comes from another solar system.
A new measauring system would reward creativity, experience and resourcefulness, qualities which often tend to elude the traditional batteries of standardized tests.
"The MacArthur folks could not have chosen better, given that they want to reward creativity, as opposed to scientists who succeed by following the mainstream fields."
The EU must dare to reward - not punish - courage, entrepreneurship, curiosity and creativity.