A NEW awards ceremony in Middlesbrough will reward gardeners, allotment holders and businesses who brighten up the town.
Mr. Heller had wanted Mr. Kennedy to adopt a tax credit that rewarded businesses for increasing capital outlays each year.
The Community Award will reward businesses who make a committed and proactive contribution to the enhancement and benefit of the community in which they operate.
I believe that we must reward individuals and businesses that undertake sustainable and energy efficient practices.
He urged the legal, insurance and credit-rating industries to reward businesses for making emergency plans.
You acknowledge that allowing small businesses to opt out and self-insure will reward businesses that hire healthy workers and will undermine community rating.
It's a plan to reward businesses that create jobs here in America, and give people access to the education and training that those businesses are looking for.
Conway proposes a hometown tax credit to reward companies and small businesses that create jobs in Kentucky.
This of course will reward good businesses, punish bad ones and benefit all future travellers.
In addition, the system supported establishment politicians and party loyalists, and much legislation was designed to reward men and businesses who supported a particular party or candidate.