The play contains music written by Glen Kelly and a revolving set "that takes audiences on and off-stage."
The entire play is set in a courtroom scene with a revolving set used for cut scenes and flashbacks.
More than $5.2 million is riding on "Legs," which came complete with multiple revolving sets and expensive scenery.
Stairmaster, for example, is a revolving set of steps that constantly presents you with another step to mount.
He designed a revolving set for a 2009 performance of Lettice and Lovage.
The revolving sets of molds are located on clamp "stations".
Today's investment firms often have a revolving set of clients.
"I remember a revolving set," Toby says, looking at his father for confirmation.
Welles commissioned an elaborate revolving set to be built, but it was not completed during the five weeks allotted to rehearsals.
Welles cut 14 scenes and shortened others, which caused the built-in timer for the revolving set to be out of sync.