It saw these arising from a revolutionary wave which would develop alongside and as a result of the coming World War.
It probably seems more like a movement, a "revolutionary wave", if you are travelling around the world covering these events as part of your job.
As in November before, almost spontaneously, a second revolutionary wave developed which, this time, was violently suppressed.
Indeed, a revolutionary wave caused by the Russian Revolution lasted until 1923.
The concept is important to Marxists, who see revolutionary waves as evidence that a world revolution is possible.
They are a part of the revolutionary wave popularly known as the Arab Spring.
In 1848, she took part in the revolutionary wave in Germany.
The Revolutions of 1830 were a revolutionary wave in Europe.
However, in 1917, a new revolutionary wave was in ascent.
He said the revolutionary wave could destabilise Russia and its neighbours.