During the 1970s, however, the basic conflict between Soviet interests as superpower and as revolutionary vanguard was contained, albeit not completely resolved.
They seek what Marxists call "substitutionalism", in which their revolutionary vanguard is taken by everyone else to represent the authentic anger of the people.
In two and a half decades the revolutionary vanguard has become the old regime.
She called the Black Panthers "our revolutionary vanguard", and said "we must support them with love, money, propaganda and risk."
The turn is now to the proletariat, i.e., chiefly to its revolutionary vanguard.
The way to bring about this freedom was for a revolutionary vanguard.
In that respect, the posturing, hard-hearted spokesmen of the revolutionary vanguards had it right: sometimes a small man can make a big difference.
In order to accomplish these goals, the manifesto proposes that a revolutionary vanguard of women be formed.
Thus Mandel had set out the three levels at which the fight against bureaucratization must be waged by the 'revolutionary vanguard':
This elite would then possess a "correct" knowledge of revolutionary theory and act as a revolutionary vanguard.