The most revolutionary reform was a provision in article 74 giving women equal rights in matters of inheritance.
However, the Calles' administration felt its revolutionary reforms, such as those against private property and Catholic schools, were threatened by the Church.
Groups representing the sick applauded the measure as a revolutionary reform.
Villagers are very progressive and have instituted various revolutionary social reforms.
They implemented the rule of God on the earth and brought revolutionary reforms in the states under their control where justice prevailed.
He launched a programme of revolutionary social and political reform to modernise Turkey.
It was the bridge between the popular mobilization of the decade after 1910 and the revolutionary reforms of the 192os and 1930s.
The revolutionary reforms of the 192os and 1930s could not provide for the vastly increased number of Mexicans, who had become greatly urbanized.
The report even finds that the present government is acutely keen to make revolutionary reforms in all sectors.
In the end, the legislation stops short of any revolutionary reforms of the agency and the way it conducts business.