What I missed was even a passing reference to his music and its explosive, revolutionary impact.
Since its first revolutionary impact, he had become more used to the experience.
"The hearings are having a revolutionary impact on the people."
Their work, however, was to have a revolutionary impact on English-language writing for the rest of the 20th century.
"This breakthrough is very similar to the stage in the 1950's when the transistor came about, with its revolutionary impact," he said.
His work might have even a more revolutionary impact on diagnostic radiology.
But Excel is not likely to have the same revolutionary impact of Visicalc and 1-2-3.
Therefore his actions had a revolutionary impact on Finnish history.
Eventually, broadcasting would come to have a revolutionary impact on the life of every American.
"If we understood that, it would have a revolutionary impact on everybody's life," since a new generation of therapeutic drugs could be engineered, he said.