Their revolutionary idealism may have fallen like a lit match into the islands' population of paupers, heretics, and transported felons.
The two men, who had become distrustful of one another, ended up hating each other with the same passion that had fueled their early revolutionary idealism.
And I at least will mourn another sort of loss when the doors shut today for the final time on this epic of French revolutionary idealism.
He had seen "Darkness" as a slander against revolutionary idealism.
Don't we have, therefore, every reason to take the new, nonviolent, revolutionary idealism emanating from the G.D.R. and make it our own?
The colonised body which Kahlo clothed in revolutionary idealism has lost its function as a symbol of nationhood becoming instead an icon of female suffering.
The 'Kibalchich myth' of revolutionary idealism and sacrifice dominated Victor's impoverished childhood.
The orphanages were inaugurated in a spirit of revolutionary idealism, but were soon overwhelmed by a relentless deluge of stray children.
The Soviet government now initiated new policies, which combined revolutionary idealism with strategic concession.
The song is skeptical about revolutionary idealism in the end, and that's a very conservative idea.