During the American Revolution, much of the town was destroyed due to conflict between loyalist and revolutionary factions.
The conspirators in the first affair were of the revolutionary faction.
What is his intention when he shuts down the offices, telephone and internet of the revolutionary factions?
The group were opposed to the backlash which followed the new left revolts of 1968 and sought to expel revolutionary leftist factions from the university.
In this first truly worldwide war, a revolutionary political faction known as the Seraphim used a bio-engineered virus to attack humanity.
Instead different revolutionary factions begin fighting with each other.
When I dealt with revolutionary factions in Mexico the results were always the same.
Nevertheless, Lyttelton in 1819 thought that the "revolutionary faction of the radicals" ought to be opposed.
When reinforcements arrived from France in March 1791, the new soldiers immediately took the side of the revolutionary faction.
This was to unite the various revolutionary factions of the civil war to prevent further Cristero revolts and build stability.