Airplanes began being used in the Sudan in the 1920s, with revolutionary effect on military and civilian administration.
Despite Keynes's early success, the revolutionary effect on theoretical economics was soon diminished.
Overall, the liberalisation which has taken place in the architectural profession since the early 1980s does not seem to have had a revolutionary effect.
This device alone can have a revolutionary effect in the communications field-especially for military use.
Titles have had a revolutionary effect on opera appreciation.
The accomplishment should have revolutionary effects on understanding the heredity of disease.
I think in the long run this machine's going to have a very revolutionary effect.
The company may not appreciate the honor, but its place in the political debate reflects its revolutionary effect on the American economy.
History suggests that technologies don't have really revolutionary effects until they become cheap enough for ordinary people to buy them.
But it also had a revolutionary effect on my ' al outlook.