Algerian officials, for example, paid lip service for decades (in perfect French) to revolutionary aspirations.
Any revolutionary aspirations of the younger members are centred on gaining work and admittance to the mainstream of ordinary life.
He continues to organise communities into African working class organisations in pursue of their revolutionary aspirations.
Only by 1906, with the revolution in retreat, the Kadets abandoned revolutionary and republican aspirations and declared their support for a constitutional monarchy.
He worked for the Bank of foreign trade and joined a marxist group with revolutionary aspirations which he quit in 1965.
Fair enough: hedonist impulses and revolutionary aspirations are not necessarily contradictory.
They fear stirring the working class into fighting for its own revolutionary aspirations against their exploitation by capitalism.
Throughout this period, Brusilov proved sympathetic to revolutionary aspirations, but his primary concern was that the war first needed to be won.
The gap remains great between the Sandinistas' most ideological revolutionary aspirations and the real limits now imposed on them.
But different men think differently; and this revolutionary aspiration brought down the priest with all the terrors of the law.