Or had the years dampened her revolutionary ardor?
The Shining Path opposes church social activities like schools, soup kitchens and work programs because they deaden the people's revolutionary ardor.
I'm just overcome by the revolutionary ardor you show.
Jefferson's revolutionary ardor did not spring from Francophilia.
The old revolutionary ardor is gone, and China surveys the world with increasing pragmatism and confidence.
The economy, wracked as well by failed revolutionary ardor, was in ruins.
She abandoned herself to that onslaught, feeling a voluptuous thrill in her revolutionary ardor.
What came between them-or so my father claimed-was that at this point her revolutionary ardor took the form of theft or kleptomania.
And eight years later, during the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards would have had no targets on which to focus their revolutionary ardor.
The thread that held them together was the impulse to smash the conventions of their country and remake it with revolutionary ardor.