Both revivals led to considerable missionary efforts in parts of the British Empire.
This revival led to the introduction of falconry in North America in the early 1900s.
The strong domestic demand and the revival of the Economic markets by 2009 has led to huge growth of the Indian textile industry.
An American religious revival in the mid-1970s had led to the growth of the religious right through televangelism.
The revival of interest in earlier American painting over the last few decades has led the museum to try recouping.
This revival eventually led to the beginnings of the Renaissance.
The revival of urban boathouses has led to an upsurge in city kayaking.
Since 2006, reality TV shows have been used to help market musical revivals by holding a talent competition to cast (usually female) leads.
In the 1950s, the slow revival of Aspen as a ski town led to the building's revival.
"Modern girls and the moral revival they are leading".