They also supervise annual meetings with advisory committees from each sport and activity to review possible changes in the rules.
Its staff also reviews changes to the interior.
One of the real problems with reviewing is that the very fact of having been reviewed changes a restaurant, and not always for the better.
The Yugoslavs spent the next several hours in a small trailer reviewing proposed changes to the agreement they had rejected.
Among the final issues the leaders negotiated was a decision to review major changes in the state's sentencing laws after 10 years.
One of their surveyors will review and give required changes.
The different departments, for example, have signed formal statements that they will all review technical changes in the system before carrying them out.
This final approval allowed Mack to review and make changes to the script as she saw fit.
County commissioners began seeking an architect to review other changes at the jail after the escape.
The commission reviews zoning changes, sites for city projects and other land use - matters likely to turn into disputes.