Unlike Michigan's admissions policy, which considers race as one of many factors in reviewing applicants, many scholarships and enrichment programs serve minorities exclusively, often helping only a handful of students.
After the Board has reviewed and approved applicants to the Illinois bar, applicants are admitted by the court on motion.
"On paper, a person making $45,000 should have been able to get those l9,000 houses, but it didn't turn out that way," said William Bernfeld, an accountant who reviewed applicants.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 6, adopted unanimously on May 17, 1946, listed dates when the Security Council would review new applicants for the UN.
He had been reviewing applicants for the positions left open by the defection of the highly paid and supposedly loyal assistants that he had brought with him on the disastrous Petaybee investigation.
DAHP also staffs a Heritage Barn Preservation Advisory Board, which reviews applicants for heritage barn status.
In reviewing applicants, pardon lawyers rely on their discretion in ways that favor people who are married and who have never divorced, declared bankruptcy or taken on large amounts of debt.
Where do I apply to review applicants?
For several years in the early 1990's, the law school used separate admissions panels, with one reviewing white applicants and the other reviewing black and Mexican-American applicants under a lower admissions standard.
The committees meet each November and December to review and interview applicants before selecting nominees.