I could have done with a little less of a reverential tone to everything.
Its officials talk in almost reverential tones about how they have kept the trains rolling every day for the last 96 years.
In those areas, barbecue is often discussed in the same reverential tones usually reserved for religion.
It seemed almost comical, particularly the reverential tone afforded him by the interviewer.
There's a certain reverential tone that makes you wonder if the restaurant has some odd religious affiliation.
In a land where modern legends were commonplace, he was talked about in the most reverential tones.
'Look at the cherry blossoms above your head,' he could remember his father whispering in an almost reverential tone.
Taylor's article is referred to in reverential tones all weekend.
The networks can be forgiven for the somewhat reverential tone of their coverage.
Neither man made any public remarks this afternoon at an arrival ceremony that was broadcast in almost reverential tones on every television channel here.