It stands next to its oldest building, "one of Houston's most revered architectural monuments".
His family and friends acknowledge that he has become more of a revered monument to the past than a force in today's political world.
But destroy a revered national monument and you touch everyone.
And now you have insulted us by destroying a revered monument "Come off it.
His palace, unusually, was never built over by later rulers, and was kept in repair for centuries as an apparent revered monument.
The site is now a revered local monument maintained by the Orange Show Center for Visionary Art.
The Clintons then flew to Masada, a stark mountaintop by the Dead Sea that is one of the Jews' most revered monuments to their ancient struggle.
Fears about the impact of the excavation on the revered monuments above ground and unknown artifacts below stalled the project for 35 years.
At the Temple of Literature, a revered national monument, akin to, say, the Jefferson Memorial, the names of Vietnam's most famous scholars from the Middle Ages are inscribed on gray stone stelae in Nom script.
As Bridgehampton is only three miles east and has a full business district with parking on both sides of the highway and a revered monument in the middle of town, such an idea appears to have little merit.