Whatever the Yankees' actual revenue is, it must support the payroll, revenue-sharing and luxury-tax payments, and various other expenses like player development.
Combined with a revenue-sharing payment that is projected to be $45 million or more, the new labor agreement would cost the Yankees about $55 million next year.
But we also have to factor in revenue-sharing payments and luxury-tax payments.
The Yankees and the Mets will be able to offset revenue-sharing payments to other Major League Baseball teams with the payments needed to service the bonds they will issue to finance the stadiums.
During the 1990's, after government deficits ballooned, partly because of rising health costs, the government in Ottawa cut revenue-sharing payments to provinces - by half, by some accounts.
He asserted that they were holding back revenue-sharing payments.
In 2003, the payroll was a little smaller at $170 million, the revenue-sharing payment was the same $63 million and the luxury-tax payment was a lot less, at $11.2 million.
The labor deal is expected to cost the team an extra $25 million because of additional revenue-sharing payments and a new luxury tax.
When there is no cap, owners have still preferred to hide profits to reduce revenue-sharing payments or to argue for larger public subsidies for stadiums, collective bargaining concessions or special treatment under the law.
Accustomed to bad news, and to making ends meet with federal revenue-sharing payments averaging about $3,400 a resident, Newfoundlanders are suddenly reading headlines in Toronto newspapers like "Newfoundland, Alberta expected to lead growth."