He said the program would be paid for with increasing revenues resulting from the strong economy, and would not require an increase in the state income tax.
Only those changes in revenue resulting from changes in law can be considered at this third meeting.
The deficit has ballooned due to the collapse in revenue resulting from the financial crisis.
They attributed 58 percent of the decline in official budget forecasts since 2001 to lower revenues mainly resulting from the tax cuts, and 42 percent to higher spending.
"In no-late-fees test markets, the increased rental transactions and retail sales offset the lower level of revenues resulting from eliminating late fees."
The prize money would be insignificant compared with the additional revenue resulting from full compliance and reporting of sales tax.
S.& P. said this would place a significant financial burden on New York Telephone during a period of decreasing revenue, resulting in part from greater competition.
This more than made up for the Tramway Department's loss of revenue resulting from the suspension of the service!
The addition to total revenue resulting from the employment of one extra worker is called the marginal revenue product of labour (MRPL).
The optimistic outlook was based mainly on higher revenue resulting from greater demand for steel and several price increases in the last year.