The new revenue had provided him with a $10,000-a-year salary, plus expenses, and a new automobile whenever he wanted it.
This revenue provides the main source of agency income, although agencies may also provide other types of services.
All of these programs provided revenue for the tribal government to provide services to tribal members.
The revenues from these taxes provide a budget of € 1.9 billion in 2004.
The revenues from the company provided enough for capital expenditures until the 1960s.
Coupled with deep cuts in "wasteful" government spending, these revenues would provide a balanced budget.
Analysts suggested that the revenue from the ports would provide much-needed resources to reduce the country's massive budget deficit.
As a result of that logging industry provides substantial revenue for the town.
And revenue from the residential tower could provide some financial stability for one of the city's most underappreciated art institutions.
I can barely imagine any scenario in which revenues provides useful information.