The company said year-ago revenue included sales of $127,468,000 from the food operations.
These revenues included undifferentiated land taxes and rents, collected simultaneously.
These revenues include direct payments to the state in the form of filing and other fees.
The new revenues would include an estimated $9 million from a $5 or $10 increase in auto registration fees, the amount depending on vehicle weight.
The company said revenue included realized investment gains of $488,000 and $3,061,000 for the 1988 and 1987 periods, respectively.
National Health said that third-quarter revenue included about $3.5 million in such claims.
The company said its revenues for the quarter included $12.5 million in film sales in accord with the settlement.
The revenues would include $48 million in new license sales, down from $56.4 million in the period a year earlier.
The quarter's revenues a year ago included more than $100 million from businesses that were subsequently divested.
Moreover, the revenues include funds that are restricted in the way they can be spent by state and Federal regulations.