Most democracies (in one way or the other) provide cash grants (state aid) from taxpayers' money, the general revenue fund, for party activity.
The agency's budget comes from a special excise tax on citrus, not the general revenue fund of the state.
Of this surcharge, $160 million goes to hospitals and $90 million to the state's general revenue fund.
Dividends are modest and are of course the pay off for not having to provide investment from revenue funds, which we now know wouldn't happen.
This revenue funds the day-to-day operations so that public tax dollars are not required.
During 2008 the fund required support of $8 billion from general revenue funds to cover a shortage in the fund.
Road & Bridge Funding has not kept pace with increases in general revenue funds since 2007.
Those lottery revenues would go into a general revenue fund.
Capital charges will therefore impact on the distribution of revenue funds to health authorities.
On Thursday, he said he would generally favor a special revenue fund to hire officers, but did not say how the money should be raised.