The revenue flow is more even and there is less reliance on all-or-nothing government contracts.
For online retailers, these sales programs can bring benefits, beyond the obvious allure of revenue flow.
Not mentioned in the Republicans' budget stew are the lost surpluses and deepening deficits created with five years of choking the revenue flow.
An incoming student with $2,000, coming into a district whose per-pupil cost may range from $8,000 to $9,500, does not support a revenue flow.
But if the future revenue flow of Volga can be estimated more or less accurately, its costs cannot.
He tightened the revenue flow to five provinces that were virtually bankrupt, forcing them to become more financially responsible.
And parts of the plant must be shut down for about 50 days a year to refuel, cutting the revenue flow in half during the shutdown.
And it cuts off your revenue flow.
The tax starts a revenue flow back to the 99 percent.
In both a large upfront capital investment is required to provide or improve a revenue flow.