The revenues would dwindle, the credit likewise as inflation and profiteering greed slashed their value.
But many health care experts and advocates for the poor are worried about the impact of cost-cutting on care for the poor as revenues dwindle.
Last year, as revenues from the Eclipse line dwindled to $25 million (from $900 million in 1989), the minicomputer era ended for Data General.
Its revenue peaked at $18.25 billion in 2001, but dwindled to $11.18 billion last year.
From a high of $64 million in the 1974-75 fiscal year, OTB's revenues to the city dwindled to $29 million in 1990-91.
Mr. Williams said he operated the business, and the service, alone for much of last year, after the company's financing and revenues dwindled.
The divided houses had opted for gridlock over compromise as revenues dwindled and the election loomed.
In Greece, tobacco-growing has fallen by 70%, two in five sugar factories have closed, agricultural revenue has dwindled and vineyards are set to decrease.
A state can raise its taxes only up to a certain level before the money begins to go abroad and the revenues dwindle.
But his older, dependable revenue dwindled before he could tap this new source.