As of early last week, the loss of revenue caused by the shutdown had not been determined.
The project was canceled in 1971, due to a decline in revenue caused by the completion of I-80.
In the early to mid-1930s the office maintained funding for the National Guard while states and the federal government struggled with the loss of revenue caused by the Great Depression.
Virtually all major software companies have abandoned the practice, realizing that the loss of good will among legitimate customers far outweighed the loss of revenue caused by software pirates.
Sales Price Variance: The sales price variance reveals the difference in total revenue caused by charging a different selling price from the planned or standard price.
This idea was eventually dropped due to the impact on revenue caused by eliminating seats, and the confusion it created in the minds of connecting passengers.
Administration officials argued that the tax would help make up for a dramatic drop in revenue caused by plummeting oil prices.
I then learned from the media that these payments would make up for the loss of revenue caused by people who could not or would not pay the community charge.
The change in total revenue caused by price is called the price effect.
Reduced revenues caused by closings or business declines attributable to the attack may also be claimed and are usually the major source of the losses claimed by businesses.