Since then, revenues have approached $5 million, nearly five times what they were in 1992.
Annual revenue approached $900 million by the second half of 2005.
And to net a mere $7 an hour, his revenues must approach $200.
Last year its revenues approached $40 million, according to one person with knowledge of the firm's finances.
High-tech home care is a rapidly growing industry, with annual revenues approaching $1 billion.
It's projected that Reliance's revenues will be approaching $10 billion (2013).
According to one knowledgeable person, the company's annual revenues approach $2 billion, an estimate that does not include the family's banking and real estate interests.
The deal would make Bally, with annual revenues approaching $1 billion, the major force in the nation's gaming industry.
He said the estimated gross revenues from slot machines on Thursday "approached $1.5 million."
In a 2012 Reddit posting, he commented that revenue is approaching $4 million.