These are decent but hardly revelatory performances, seemingly destined for reissue on a budget line - which Virgin Classics says it will inaugurate next year.
He highlighted the performances of the six leading actresses, writing, "Individually, each is terrific; combined, they're an irresistible feminine force", and praised Hatcher's "revelatory performance."
This revelatory performance is a reminder of how invaluable the Encores program is.
Not to mention Christian Bale, although his revelatory performance in "American Psycho" sets him apart.
Mr. Haitink and his players vanquished that challenge with their exciting and often revelatory performances.
Robert Bianco of USA Today declared that Hatcher delivered "a revelatory performance".
Hard-core Bartok lovers who find this popular work too accessible should have heard Mr. Boulez's revelatory performance.
Time Out reports "the film is driven by Gosling's revelatory performance... arresting, prickly, vaguely funny, even - 'difficult' in the best sense."
Many other companies gave wonderful, even revelatory, performances.
And despite some revelatory individual performances and moments, only a handful of shows this season have projected that contagious sense of faith.