Jazinda's revelation that she'd been aware of the impending invasion and had not told anyone resulted in her and She-Hulk coming to blows.
Several revelations result.
This revelation resulted in Joshi being exposed before he even assumed his new position thus compromising R&AW's intelligence apparatus in Nepal.
He looked to Sesrene, hopeful that the revelations of the past few minutes might result in a show of support for his protest.
These revelations did significant damage to Strughold's reputation and resulted in the revocation of various honors that had been bestowed upon him over the course of his career.
The shocking revelations almost caused a Wall Street panic and resulted in an investigation of the entire insurance industry by the State of New York.
Further revelations and disagreements with the Labour leadership resulted in his resignation from the Chairmanship of the committee.
The revelations caused the resignation of the archbishop, Cardinal Bernard Law, and resulted in a $85 million dollar settlement with the victims.
These revelations and the subsequent Cole Inquiry have resulted in litigation being brought against former executives of AWB, some of which is still in progress.
The revelations resulted in Ginsburg's withdrawing his name from consideration.