Compared with the skimpily revealing look of fashion now, Sybilla's style is covered up.
The latest saga offered a revealing look inside the complicated relationship between Valentine and Phillips.
More important, perhaps, the show offers a revealing look at the museum itself.
A most revealing look at the hierarchy among the underground homeless.
Its producers bill the show as a revealing behind-the-scenes look at the nation's largest department store chain.
The changes are a revealing look into the mind and management style of Mr. Bush, for better or worse.
The result is a revealing look at these specific candidates and the political process itself, at least as it manifests itself on television.
But the next two games could provide a far more revealing look at how much the team has progressed.
Although the 12 works are little more than miniatures, the overall exhibition provides a revealing look at how digital art is actually created.
A uniquely revealing look at our national priorities.