In a revealing article, 'Men Really Don't Like Women'(Look magazine) he expressed himself capably, though pessimistically, enough: 'The American woman is a victim.
Thanks to Jason DeParle for his thoughtful and revealing article (Dec. 20).
The Harvard seer concludes his amazingly revealing article with a discussion of "Nixon Game Plan" strategy.
Allen wrote a critical and revealing biographical article on Spencer that was published after Spencer was dead.
However, incoming Presidents have felt domestic political pressure to redefine the national interests, often without adequate historical or international perspective, as demonstrated in Mr. Eizenstat's revealing and courageous article.
This is probably the most interesting and revealing article in the series, thank you.
He works as an art critic, writing revealing articles about fellow artists.
But a revealing article by Mike Freeman in Thursday's Times cites testimony that the practice is widespread.
Not exactly an in-depth or very revealing article.
Working Girl thus confirmed a revealing article published in the New York Times Magazine of June 26,1988, called "Why Feminism Failed."