Opening the door, he revealed large stacks of silver dollars; there were thousands of such coins.
Another clerk popped open the rear hood of a white van to reveal green stacks of cabbage.
Opening this on a side table, Chauncey revealed stacks of bills, all fifties and hundreds, neatly filling the interior of the case.
The door of the strong box swung wide, to reveal stacks of metal bars wrapped in burlap.
Inside, Carol tugged on the chain-pull light, and a bare hundred-watt bulb revealed stacks of dry cordwood being protected from inclement weather.
Beneath a bed, in one corner of the office, she revealed more stacks of evidence.
Pools of light fought back the dark at random intervals, revealing stacks of crates, pyramids of cyl- inders, and huge cargo containers.
"Well, that's new," Leigh said when he opened the refrigerator door to reveal stacks of bagged blood.
Breaking a lock, he opened a cabinet to reveal stacks of golden dishes that looked like mammoth coins.
The lids swung up to reveal stacks and stacks of tightly bundled, particolored pieces of paper.