The Post said that opponents of releasing these details argue that it would reveal "sensitive intelligence procedures and methods."
I never give reasons and I never reveal methods.
Damm revealed several methods to create such totally anti-symmetric quasigroups of order 10 and gave some examples in his doctoral dissertation.
The bout itself was a tight contest, revealing different reading styles and different rhetorical methods.
For example, the CIA would not release records that would reveal sensitive foreign government information or intelligence sources and methods.
He added that information in his statements on the House floor "in no way harmed the national security or revealed sensitive sources and methods."
His books do not reveal methods of escape, instead they reveal the secrets behind performing escapes in the real world for paying audiences.
In April, the team began reading and releasing material for public viewing - holding back only those records that reveal intelligence sources or methods.
Carpenter finally reveals their motives, methods, and the men.
Our report is classified top secret because the F.B.I., not my office, deems much of the information to reveal sensitive sources and methods.