It also revealed official corruption in relation to road building and the construction of a new airport, involving bond issues with US underwriters.
In 1951, an investigation by a state legislative committee revealed widespread corruption in Tacoma's government, which had been organized commission-style since 1910.
The Times investigation revealed widespread political corruption which contributed to destroying the Klan in Indiana and nationwide.
Many of his works of fiction and nonfiction reveal corruption in the Japanese system.
They reveal corruption in all its glorious manifestations - moral, financial, intellectual, electoral, even sexual.
The interviews also reveal further corruption where politicians, land developers, and mining companies have come to an agreement, whereby environmental issues have been completely ignored.
The organization is well known for producing stories that reveal scandals or corruption in government agencies and corporations.
By laying bare the archives and warehouses of major dealers, he has revealed corruption at the core of the market.
If error detection reveals corruption, the packet will be ignored by the receiver and no acknowledgement will be sent.
The project was canceled in January 1999, however, after auditors revealed corruption.