Then she used the trackball to rotate the image of the brain back and forth in different ways to reveal selected areas.
In some cases the glue size may reveal areas that still have a high content of alkali.
It can also reveal areas for growth and work, aiding progress and maturity.
Should it reveal areas which would fail to meet the standard, then alternative sets of options for emission control can be considered.
The surface of the rays often crack to reveal lighter-colored areas, especially along the edges.
I went for a chest X-ray, which revealed small cystic areas that could have been any number of things - none of them good.
Further study of this fish may reveal areas where it faces decline.
However, the mid-term review revealed several areas that need to be developed.
A little scouting will reveal areas along reservoir-skirting highways where one may park a car off the pavement.
Service and product innovations - measuring your business' environmental impact can reveal areas where you could develop new services or products.