All the resources of the Gestapo would not force an agent to reveal a code he could not possibly remember.
These three pieces would reveal a numeric code that would be used to unlock a combination lock on a box at the top of the wall.
With Nintendo Points Cards, there is a concealed panel on the back of the card which, when scratched, reveals a code.
He revealed to me a hidden code that explained why the world looks and behaves the way it does.
In early 2012, D-Wave Systems revealed a 512-qubit code named Vesuvius, which it expected to launch before the end of 2012.
Customers buying any medicine are asked to scratch off a verification strip on the packaging which reveals a numeric code.
"The Chocolate Factory" Video glyph that reveals a code in sign language.
At one point in the game, the player is instructed to dip the paper into water, revealing a code required to continue.
Consumers scratch off the label after purchasing an item to reveal a unique, random code.
Sridhar's computer data reveals a code, which when deciphered reveals Bhaskaran's phone number.