He told about the bank destroying records related to funds of Holocaust victims, whose money the bank was supposed to return to their heirs.
But he added that the museums should make aggressive efforts to identify owners and return the works to their heirs or estates.
Strathearn was never returned to his heirs, who divided or competed over his more northern inheritance.
But only about 25 percent of the money turned over to the states will ever be returned to the owners or their heirs.
Up to 100% of this deposit is returned to the resident or their heirs when they leave the community.
At his death, it often has to be returned to the man's rightful heirs, that is, his sister's children.
Some of these lands were eventually returned to his heirs by the Bishop, principally in 1600.
But Mr. Bush's executive order, he said, has had the effect of returning ownership to presidents and their heirs.
In 1806, the estate was returned to Isaac Royall's heirs, who subsequently sold it.
The castle was later returned to his heirs, the successor Earls of Arundel.