Earlier this month, for example, he resisted tenant advocates' calls for him to return thousands of dollars in contributions from slum landlords.
The Democrats have professed their desire to return hundreds of thousands of dollars in questionable contributions, but guess what: they often can't find the donors.
With fines as little as 10p for each day a book is overdue, it shows that students are returning thousands of books late each year.
Counterintuitively, a search that returns thousands of articles is not guaranteed to be comprehensive.
During this period, Italy has returned thousands of them to their places of origin.
Unfortunately, we cannot return thousands of lives, but what we can really help those, who survived and stayed alive.
Although his campaign has raised a respectable $2.7 million, he has returned thousands of dollars after rivals raised questions about the donors.
The United Nations high commissioner for refugees plans to return thousands of Gypsies to several towns around Kosovo.
The equipment returned thousands of images, as well as 15 chemical analyses of soil and weather data.
But he regularly returns thousands of shares to Alcoa and, in exchange, receives enough money to exercise his options and pay the resulting tax bill immediately.