Several retrospective surgical series suggest that the incidence of 'significant' damage is only 5-15%.
The results of small retrospective series were encouraging,[6,7] leading to the first prospective study of multimodality treatment in this group of patients.
Because of the small size of these nonrandomized, retrospective series, the precise benefit from radiation therapy remains unproven.
Except her photo exhibition, the museum arranged a retrospective series of her films and a tribute evening at Dryden Theater.
One retrospective surgical series of 931 previously untreated patients with differentiated thyroid cancer found that female gender, multifocality, and regional node involvement are favorable prognostic factors.
In large retrospective series of pleural mesothelioma patients, important prognostic factors were found to be stage, age, performance status, and histology.
One retrospective series addressed the value of performing a second TUR within 2 to 6 weeks of the first.
The retrospective series shows a director never afraid to exaggerate a naturalistic image, heighten the contrast of black and white or use elaborate architectural detail.
Although retrospective institutional series suggest superior local control and survival with surgery rather than radiation therapy, most of these studies are compromised by selection bias.
Michael Pakdaman et al. report the highest incidence in a retrospective surgical series at 49.9% of 860 cases.