The Virginians' line finally broke and the men retreated to the south.
In the chaos that ensued, the Battalion retreated to the south while under constant assault from the air.
They continued to lose control of their territories, however, and gradually retreated to the south.
His new revolutionary efforts were not too successful and was forced to retreat to the south of Mexico where he officially remained in arms.
But if it doesn't work, all that happens is that Calopodius and his men retreat to the south.
The British had to retreat to the south.
This bold move proved successful, as many of the insurgents joined him, though the remainder retreated to the south.
The 226th battalion retreated at 21:00 to the south, while the 341st stayed put.
The defenders retreating through the streets of town to the hills just to the south.
Johnston had various remaining military units scattered throughout his territory and retreating to the south to avoid being cut off.