Following the dissolution of the coalition government, Savimbi retreated to his historical base in Moxico and prepared for battle.
When a batter hits a ball that is caught before touching the ground, he is out and all base runners must retreat back to their original base.
Defeated, their morale shaken, the Spanish forces retreated to their base in Florida, never again to venture north along the coast.
Retreating to Infinity's base, they succeed in stopping the Lapis from attacking them.
Nur Mohammad wanted to retreat to his base and continued to fire towards Pakistani armies.
Their stand forced the Union cavalrymen to retreat from the town to their base near Falls Church, Virginia by a longer route.
After a short period the soldiers retreated to their base, the partisans would return and the cycle continue.
The Blues retreat to their base.
So instead of Periya they retreated to their original base.
Al-Mansur caught up with them at ar-Raqqah, but could not prevent them from retreating back to their base in Harran to regroup.