Other retreats also include weekend Mother/Son and Father/Son retreats, the Silent Retreat, and the 4th Day Retreat.
These retreats and programs include Hindi, yoga and Indian dance classes.
The retreat also includes time to relax, enjoy holistic therapies and explore your surroundings.
Other sports, hunting, and fishing camps Crosley owned as retreats included an island in Canada called, Nikassi, where he spent every August fishing and hunting.
Jellicoe's Hawaiian retreat included introduction to meditation and the character tries to continue the discipline as she resumes her working life.
Favored retreats include mammal burrows and other underground hiding places, where they also aestivate.
In the short term, planned retreat includes temporary seawalls and sand replenishment to protect property.
The retreats include daily yoga, t'ai chi and meditation as well as more conventional exercise pursuits such as hiking, swimming and circuits.
While other programs were like boot camps, she said, Ms. McGuire-Wien's retreat included cleansing, healing and pampering.
Favorite retreats include the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshires and Plum Village in France.