The rest of them retreated fast, followed by Skiros, cursing at the top of his voice in German.
The enemy retreated fast from the threat of the bayonets, but then another mass of blue uniforms appeared at the bottom edge of the village.
At worst, the cavalry could save themselves by retreating fast, which the archers on foot could not do.
On the morning of September 29, 1918, we are trying hard to keep up with the retreating enemy, which is retreating fast, unable to stand our assault.
The three men were retreating fast.
They were retreating fast, but they weren't routed, even though that forest fire was something he hadn't expected.
He yanked open the refrigerator door, his good mood retreating fast.
Around September, with the sun fast retreating south, the northern land mass of the Indian subcontinent begins to cool off rapidly.
If we could harry their flanks, small strikes, retreating would give them somewhat to think about, at any rate.
The dwarves gathered up their wounded and dead and retreated fast to the opposite end of the room and out to the south.